To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

We the People respectively ask Congress to stop President Trump's dictatorship

We The People respectively request that you as Congressman start the impeachment proceedings against Trump because he believes he is a dictator. We ask this of you because this man breaks treaties without a congressional vote. The treaties he has broken have and will endanger his Country. He has alienated countries and citizens of this once great nation. These actions show a blatant disregard for the Constitution and this must be answered for. Therefore We beg of you please act now time is of the essence . We pray you will do the Right thing. Please Impeach this President (dictator).

Why is this important?

We asking you to sign this petition to try to stop Trump from destroys this country. We have a Constitution to protect us from a man like this. Will you please sign. Trump has show that he is a dictator by breaking treaties and firing people that disagree with him.