To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

We The People Want Compromise

We The People want compromise to solve the issues of the Fiscal Cliff. 64 billion dollars in cuts is coming! These cuts will effect every American Republican, Democrat, Independent and all others. We need to send a message to our leaders from the President to John Boehner and all members of congress.

Why is this important?

With the looming fiscal cliff nearing it is time for the American people, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, to send a strong message to Obama John Boenher and Congress. We the American people are facing 64 Billion dollars in Automatic cuts to spending. We are faced with tax increases that could be very harmful to almost every American!
The United States of America is built upon the foundation of Government by the people for the people.
We the People of the United States of America have voted and are now ready to see lip service turn into real action! We are asking that our leaders from all sides work together to not "kick the can down the road" but to solve the problems we face!

We the People now ask our leaders and Government to find Compromise and Come Together for the People as we have seen fit to put this Government in place through the action of voting.
I believe no matter your party it is in the whole countries interest to solve our fiscal issues and set a new path toward a brighter future for every American Democrat, Republican, Independent and all others.
United We Stand divided we Fall.

"We The People"
