To: state Attorneys General, HUD and Treasury Secretaries, and Judges, all state governers and elected/appointed officials, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

We Will Make No Mortgage Payment This Month

Do not allow our State Attorneys General in collusion with the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of both state and federal government to make a deal with the mortgage and banking industry against our own financial interests. They created the housing bubble, have vastly profited from it, and intend to make us pay (even more) for their greed.

Why is this important?

Our state and federal government is negotiating with banks and the mortgage industry against our interests. We will not make a mortgage payment for the month of April 2012 (and repeat as necessary) to show support for those unfairly foreclosed and for all people who have lost wealth through falling property and/or retirement/pension fund value.