"We Will Stop Shopping And Spending, Until Congress Starts Spending And Putting People Back To Work!"
Why is this important?
The Republicans are cutting all the important programs that help the Poor and Minorities. They claim that the Government is spending too much money, that we don't have! But, we know better, because common sense tells you that, you have to spend money to make money! You can't cut your way to success! So, we'll show the entire U.S. House and Senate, and Tea Party, that we will stop spending also! We'll boycott all Department Stores, and all Companies that get rich off of the poor and minorities. We will spend only for our necessities in our neighborhoods! We'll send e-mails around the Country and world, to tell our leaders that we've had enough of their lies and mess! They must not close our schools nor cut Programs, because it only sends us backwards not forward! When they start spending to enhance our world, we will stop the boycott and start spending again! We must see results by reopening schools and putting many people back to work in all areas, around the Country, in order to make our Country function again, at the highest level possible!
Thanking you in advance for your help!
The Power Of The People!