To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Buyers of ammunition shall be required to show proof of current registration of weapon for which ammunition is being purchased; and buyer background check/ fingerprint clearance card issued by a designated law enforcement agency. Seller must verify elgibility to purchase ammunition for said weapon and record sale into data bank network. Data bank and system can be patterned after that which pharmacist use to verify prescriptions prior to filling them. Data bank should be national is scope and serviced by both state and federal law enforcement agencies so as not to slip through cracks of different jurisdiction.

Why is this important?

Reguirements of proof of weapon registration and background checks for purchase of ammunition; clearance of eligibility to make purchases; registration of all purchases into data bank used for checks. The focus is upon what is possible to regulate. Obviously, restriction of gun ownership and possession is not feasible, but control of ammunition is feasible to regulate. At 72 years old, I am tired of excuses and no courage to address a problem that has reached a national crisis and denial continues from NRA and greedy weapons industry.