To: John G. Stumf, CEO Wells Fargo &Company

Wells Fargo and the 99% of Us!

Wells Fargo Bank just issued notification that beginning June 2012, individuals' checking accounts will be charged a $15.00 monthly fee, if the individual doesn't carry at least three Wells Fargo accounts, or have an average balance of $7,500.00. This fee is clearly aimed at the 99% of us that can least afford to pay the fee. Please tell John G. Stumpf that you think this is unfair and that you will move your accounts to another bank unless he reconsiders.

Why is this important?

Wells Fargo Bank just issued a notification that beginning June 2012, individual's checking accounts will be charged a monthly fee of $15.00 if the individual doesn't have at least three Wells Fargo products or an average balance of $7,500.00 in all their accounts. This fee is clearly focused on the 99% of the population who can least afford the charge.