To: The Arkansas State House, The Arkansas State Senate, and Governor Asa Hutchinson

Wendy Kelley:Directer of Arkansas Department of Corrections

This campaign has ended.

Removal of Wendy Kelley from the Arkansas Department of Corrections as Director and also associated deputy directors.

Why is this important?

We the people and the families of incarcerated in the state of Arkansas demand the removal of Wendy Kelley as director of Arkansas Department of Corrections and associated Deputy Directors Dale Reed and Dexter Payne. In the collaboration of these individuals, incarcerated men and women in the state prison system are deprived of humane living conditions, adequate medical care, and safety and protection from harm.
Grievances filed by inmates are always deemed without merit even in severe situations. These employees of Arkansas Department of Corrections take it upon themselves to punish families of incarcerated individuals by withholding mail, falsifying information in files, accusing family members of violating ADC policy without allowing "Due Process", restricting visitation, phone calls, and video visits, therefore depriving family dynamics with significant others, parents, siblings, and children. This in return affects the inmates psychologically, causing undue stress and mental anguish, which violates prison rights along with citizens rights.
In numerous situations when a family member contacts these individuals, they are treated rudely and lied to. These deaths occurring in the system are not by family, they're by staff, for which administration does not want to be held accountable. Assaults in units by staff and other inmates show lack of interventions to prevent these occurrences. Numerous falsified disciplinaries are overlooked and pushed aside in order to condemn inmates to solitary confinement, which in return causes PTSD and other disorders.
We the families demand accountability and transparency of the Arkansas Department of Corrections Administrations and staff. Ms. Kelley herself being a lawyer holding a license in this state violates civil rights to prisoners and families. It is time our legislators take action and demand removal and replacement of these individuals, no more covering up their infraction on human beings incarcerated and their families. Numerous time inhumane conditions, assaults, PREA violations go unrecognized or undocumented in order to keep their ACA accreditation, on which Ms. Kelley is on the board of ACA, which is a conflict of interest.
We the families of the incarcerated demand to be heard and changes to be made accordingly by the replacement of these directors. We demand better conditions for all inmates, humane treatment, adequate medical care, improved mental health care with a licensed trained therapist, the safety of all inmates, and respect to families of the incarcerated.
