To: Administrators
WFU Alumni Response to Police Report
This letter to express our profound disappointment with Chiefs Williams and Moss’ report concerning their investigation into students’ claims of racial bias on the part of the Wake Forest University Police Department. As Wake Forest Alumni, we are all too familiar with such encounters with Wake Forest Police and understand this conversation to be a critical, yet singular, moment in a long history of incidents that continually undermine the educational experiences of countless students. This report is fundamentally flawed and, in and of itself, exists as an affront to the humanity and common sense of those who bear the brunt of minor and major racist assaults every day.
Why is this important?
We are starting this petition because we want to ensure that all Wake Forest students, staff, and faculty deserve to have their rights respected by University Police. In addition, this letter is to hold WFU University Police accountable for interactions that are racially biased.