To: WGBH-Boston

WGBH-Boston: Please air the film documentary, Citizen Koch, fulfilling your obligation to your va...

Keep public television Public, and keep big oil from taking over our media- request that WGBH air "Citizen Koch," a documentary highlighting big money in our political system.

Why is this important?

Pulling the plug on "Citizen Koch" sets a bad precedent for *public* television, an important place for citizen engagement and discourse, and sets a bad precedent for our already fragile and beleaguered American democracy. It is incumbent upon WGBH to stand up to the Koch brothers, while standing up for the citizens who deserve, and have paid for, all aspects of a given story, and as this story has particular import, WGBH can have little to fear in doing the right thing by its public and citizen sponsorship, while enabling for the larger conversation and engagement that must be had surrounding this important documentary.