I am an artist- not an economist- I daily read horrific headlines from legit economists that the economy is going to 'collapse'- under the enormous weight of 'paper debt'...that unenployment will be at least 50% and inflation 100%--- and that Bernake etc. simply don't want to face facts. What is the TRUTH- ??? Shouldn't the average person be concerned for daily welfare like food? I do not trust politicians to be upfront--- do you? I'm not an extremist- I simply don't understand why this may or may not be a cover-up that will affect so many... President Obama should be being vocal NOW- and demanding answers.
Thank you- John Rossi
Why is this important?
Getting to the bottom of the so called "Economic Crisis"...
who can we trust to tell the truth that is in power---what is the TRUTH??? No candy-coating...no rhetoric...round it off to the facts...NOW!!!