To: cleveland couunty jail annex

What truly happend to Charles Peterson

We want the truth of his death at the annex jail in Shelby, NC. They said that he hung himself, but a wittnes came forth and said he was tased 5 time for asking for medical help. And they told him he was not getting any medical help, but that he was going to the morgue. Someone has seen or knows something. It was August, 2010. He left behind 3 children , one he never got to see before her birth.

Why is this important?

I want answers for my family and his children. I am his sister. We Live with this nightmare daily and the way we were treated. I have been trying to get someone to listen but its like we don't exist. We want answers. He deserves better than saying he hung himself and they can't even tell us what he did it with. They said bed sheet or mattress cover, but don't know what it was. Please, anyone, come forthand let us know. How would you like to sleep at night if that was your child,brother, or sister?
