To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Whistle-Blower Protection SB 121/HB 207

Whistle Blower's beware "Doing the Right Thing Can Get You Fired" with little to no protection from our elected officials. STOP this practice by calling on your representative and ask them to support SB 121/HB 207.

Why is this important?

How many times a government employee is terminated or retaliated against for reporting fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayers dollars or violations of public policies and unlawful activities by our public officials.

We might find it necessary to report wrongdoing, but we should proceed with caution before blowing the whistle. My review of state-level lawsuits suggests that being entitled to protection under a state whistle-blower statute and receiving that protection can be two different matters. Lawsuits filed by whistle-blowers shows that it’s difficult to receive protection under many of the state laws.

The current Whistleblower statutes (State and Federal) need to be strengthened; it is not sufficient and fails to provide enough of a deterrent to those who would use government for their own personal gain or to satisfy their own personal desires.

In an article I read the statistic showed that seventy-four percent of the whistle-blowers were terminated. Another 6 percent were suspended and 5 percent were transferred against their wishes. The remaining 15 percent were given poor evaluations, demoted or harassed.

Only when we, the taxpayers, are finally fed up with our government being the playground for the vices and whims of individual managers and supervisors will things really start to change.

Contact your U.S. Representative and your Senator to ask for real Whistleblower Protection today by supporting SB 121/HB 207.

Contracts irregularities and mismanagement of our taxpayer’s dollars are costing Texas millions of dollars that could be used to support our school system, highways/road projects and health benefits for women and the mentally ill.