To: Ms. Brooks Kane, Director of Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

Who gave Permission to KIUC to Harass and Threaten its Membership?

The citizens of Kauai and the membership of KIUC would like to know, who is responsible for allowing "Kauai Island Utility Cooperative" (KIUC) to harass and threaten it's own membership?

KIUC is obviously in NON-COMPLIANCE with some of it's own "7 COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLES."

Areas of Non-Compliance by KIUC, taken from the "7 Cooperative Principles" listed on the KIUC website are:

Principle # 2. "Democratic Member Control"
Cooperatives are democratic organizations CONTROLLED by their members, who ACTIVELY participate in setting policies and making decisions. The elected representatives ARE ACCOUNTABLE to the membership. In primary cooperatives, members have equal voting rights (ONE MEMBER, ONE VOTE) and cooperatives at other levels are organized in a DEMOCRATIC manner.

KIUC needs to be stopped immediately from harassing and threatening its own membership with charges and surcharges that are unjust and NOT APPROVED by its membership. KIUC has continued to charge its membership the normal full utility rates that applied before the Smart meter roll-out. Therefore, KIUC is still collecting the full island expense monies to have meter-readers island wide. It is unjust for KIUC to say that they need to charge an additional monthly fee for monies that they are still collecting monthly. Concerning a new $50 charge for removal of an existing smart meter and replacement with an R.F. FREE ANALOG SAFE Meter, this charge would not be necessary if KIUC had done their job properly. KIUC's RESPONSIBILITY is to fully inform the membership of the HEALTH and PRIVACY issues of the Smart meter BEFORE installing them. Members were NEVER given the opportunity to make a choice to

Principles # 3. "Members Economic Participation"
Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative.

KIUC must be made fully accountable to its membership for not providing an "OPT-IN" policy and lacking the MAJORITY membership permission to introduce and install dangerous Smart meters. One Member, One Vote is the democratic rule for operating cooperatives.

All actions by KIUC that directly or indirectly effect the community of Kauai, should not be allowed to take effect, without a MAJORITY vote of the membership.

Principle # 7. Concern for Community
While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies ACCEPTED BY THEIR MEMBERS.


Why is this important?

We want to know who gave KIUC permission to Harass and Threaten its Membership? And we want it to Stop!
