To: Walter Robb, Co-CEO, Whole Foods and John Mackey, Co-CEO, Whole Foods

Whole Foods: Drop Prop 37 Opponents' Products

Show Whole Foods' leadership in the organic food movement by refusing to sell the brands made by Prop 37's opponents, among them, Kashi, Odwalla, Santa Cruz Organic, Cascadian Farm, Muir Glen Organic, R.W. Knudsen, Silk, and Larabar.

Why is this important?

Walter Robb, you voted yes on Prop 37 (, thank you. Unfortunately it failed because our side was outspent by corporations who make some of the products you sell.

Mr. Robb & Mr. Mackey, why would you continue to give these corporations your money by selling us their products which they refuse to label?

I'm not going to buy them, certainly, but my voice alone will not be heard above Monsanto's. But many voices together will be heard, especially if Whole Foods' is one of those voices.