To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

why Ethenal in our gas


Why is this important?

Ethenal in our gasoline hasn't lower the price of gas. what it does do-( 1.) It harms our gasoline engines shortens thier life. (2.)your gas mileage per gallon gas has decreased a lot . mine used to be 28/30 miles a gallon now it is 22.( 3.)makes the customer, you and I buy additives to add to our gasoline to help our engines and performance of them.( 4.) takes our farmed raised crops of corn and others to make ethenal, to add to the gas. Does this make shortages of crops to raise thier prices? Who makes the profits from adding ethenal to gasoline-certainly not the customers. Oh I know engine repair shops,any corporation that sells any kind of engine,government (price of gas and it's taxes on it) the costs of our food. The farmers sell thier crops to make ethenal,making shortages of grains for thier animals and the manufactures of our food supples that use grains, thus raising the prices of food. I am told by the techs that work on my autos that the shelf life of gasoline with ethenal in it is about 6 months, after that it makes engines run worst if at all. Isn't it past time to tell everyone NO MORE ETHENOL IN OUR GASOLINE. The government takes the stand that ethenol lowers the price of gas. How can that be true, when it costs more in the long run to make, lowers a engine performance. Less miles per gallon sure doesn't help anyone, environment,I think not. Please stop NOW.