To: James Goldston, President of ABC News

Why is ABC giving anti-Latino Laura Ingraham a platform?

ABC News: Drop Laura Ingraham as a contributor. Her extremist, anti-Latino rhetoric deserves no place on mainstream news.

Why is this important?

Why does Laura Ingraham think it's annoying when a Latino's name is pronounced correctly?

After journalist Jose Diaz-Balart translated on-air for a Spanish-speaking immigrant, Ingraham went on an anti-Latino tirade, complaining it was "annoying" Diaz-Balart was correctly pronouncing the woman's name with a Spanish accent:

"He also did the annoying thing—saying her name in the native tongue at the very beginning when he introduced her," Ingraham complained on her radio show. "You cannot just say Maria Cruz Ramirez [with no accent]. You are such a gringo if you say that. You cannot say that."

This isn't a first for Ingraham. She has a history of inflammatory language, once even calling the U.S. citizen children of immigrants, "anchor fetuses."

The worst thing is that ABC, a mainstream network, is legitimizing her extremist rhetoric by keeping her on the payroll as a news contributor. Does ABC really want someone like Laura Ingraham representing them?

Tell ABC News to drop Laura Ingraham as a contributor. Her ugly rhetoric doesn't deserve to be rewarded.
