To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Will Real Men Take A Stand Against Homosexuality

Stop the Congressional Legislative Corruption of legalizing same sex marriages or Civil Unions knowing that it is uncivilize and mental confusion.

Why is this important?

Dan Cathy CEO of Chick-Fil-A took a stand on the Holy Institution of Marriage, and was persecuted for taking the stand for being the man that GOD created and intended him to be. The institution of the Homosexual agenda, has bombarded our country by using a corrupt Legislative
process, by-passing the vote of the people and passing their
Homsexual agenda without one vote from the people; and
because of this "new way" of passing Civil Laws without the
people, this barbaric and uncivilize way of life has found its
way into seven states to practice immorality, and is nothing
more than corruption, confusion, and totally counter
productive to maintaining the preservation of life. Since when
did Congress or the United States Federal Government take
control of the Holy INSITUTION of marriage that was originally
given to the church, and the power to redefined its definition?
Therefore for the sake of our children... I want every man that
reads this petition that have the courage to, speak up, and
speak out, and show the children.... Starting with my own
son, that homosexuality is a "Sin" and that homosexuals are
of an minority, and not by any means the norm or the main stream. Because if Homosexuality was not a "SIN" then GOD owes Sodom and Gommorrah an Apoligy.