To: Joan Ballweg (WI-41) and Luther S. Olsen (WI-14)
WiRSA Board of Directors and Retired K-12 School Super.
Say NO to Rep. Czaja's proposal to eliminating degree requirements for people teaching non-core subjects. Keep Wisconsin Schools strong by promoting high standards for all of l;our Educators. Wisconsin has had one of the top Education programs in the United States leading with Graduation rates, ACT scores, AP classes as well as many more programs that are excellent. PLEASE vote NO on lowering any standards for our Teachers.
Why is this important?
I believe we have had and can continue to have a excellent Education for our K-12 students, our Technical College system, the UW System as well as the Private Colleges. The idea that we are going not only reduce economic support for these institutions now there is a proposal to reduce requirements to teach our students. I believe does not support the principals that have governed our Great State.