Considering that Congress has not done the job that they were elected to do, and they are willing to allow sequestration that will impact almost everyone in this country in a negative way, I propose that they receive NO PAY until such time that they can pass legislation that would counter the sequestration impact. Anyone in the private sector that doesn't perform their job doesn't get paid. The same criteria should apply to our elected officials. The fact that our representatives are anything but representing the views of the majority of the people, and refuse to compromise to create a situation that the majority of the American People NEED indicates their complete disconnect from reality, and should result in the forfeiture of their salaries.
Why is this important?
The members of Congress were elected to represent the views of the majority of Americans, and enact legislation for our benefit. Government OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.
If they don't do their job they should not receive a paycheck.