To: The Vermont State House

Workman Compensation in Vermont needs attention

Please stop the injustice of Workman Compensation company from continually making bad choices for injured Vermonters.

Why is this important?

I have been on Workman Compensation for 2 years now, the company that is suppose to work with me to improve my life after an injury is not doing there part to see success. I have always been a hard working Vermonter who takes pride in being a productive member of the working class. I had to sell my home and work in jobs that were not suited for me and my injuries. I believe that Out of State Workman Compensations company should be banned from Vermont. I had no case manager or Nurse to oversee my situation. I have more to share about my situation and would love to have ears that could help me and others in this horrible situation. Thank you Sincerely Pam Provost
