To: The People of Earth
World Peace Possible Thru World Law is Possible!
Today we need to rethink the structure of government(s) on Earth and create a sustainable and secure worldwide civilization! There are people who will respond to any proposal of change with remarks that any world government could be taken over by a few people who would exploit the rest of the people of Earth for their own greed and profit. It is this fear that has prevented the human race from achieving the great civilization that it could achieve. If we would only consider that it is only by making agreements (and enforceable laws) between people that we are able to survive at all. Otherwise we would still be living in caves and constantly fighting the other people around us just to survive. We are smart enough to create a better world for everyone! Sign this petition and let the world know how you feel!!
Why is this important?
We, the People of Earth, desire a world without war, hunger, and slavery; with adequate shelter, clean air, and drinking water for everyone! These are basic human rights, along with open access to the Internet that we demand of ourselves and our governments!