To: Bill De Blasio, Mayor, President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

World Wide March Against Government Corruption New York City USA

WE The People, The 99%, Citizens!
Of New York City, Of New York State,
Of the United States, Of The WORLD!

Have come together today, to demand, of those whom we have put are Trust and Faith in by electing them to office. to hear the voices of so many who stand as one and say enough, we demand change and these are the changes we demand with out compromise!

Tax the rich and corporations!
Get money out of politics!
Get our rights and freedoms back!

End the wars and Bring are troops home!
Cut military spending!
Protect the social safety net!

Protect Worker Rights, Create jobs and Raise wages!
Strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all

The federal government is to immediately make good on all treaties signed with Native Bands and all First Nations!

End corporate welfare for Oil companies and other Big business interests and Transition to a Clean Energy Economy!

Reverse Environmental Degradation!


Why is this important?

For far to long the people of the New York, The United States and the world have been used as a pawn in a global power game played by both the Corp 1% and and our governments. it is time for the people to stand up and fight back enough is enough.

A government of the people and by the people!
On March 1st, 2014 we will come together Globally to demand, of those whom we have put are Trust and Faith in by electing them to office. to hear the voices of so many who stand as one and say enough, we demand change and these are the change we demand with out compromise!

Please sign this Petition in support of the March 1st Action by the People!

Here is the Link to the Event:¬if_t=like

Please Share Far and Wide!