To: Apple inc

Worlds Oceans

Jobs for Jobs! Apple has done great giving us products that make our dreams come true. Now, in honor of Founder Steve Jobs, Apple has a worthy charity. Help to save and protect the worlds oceans. Fish need protected sites the over fishing of the oceans has taken its toll. Man has out hunted, now with technology, Man can make right. Just like Steve Jobs. It's a charity I think Steve would like his name on. The oceans provide millions of jobs and homes for people, they are the lungs of the earth. Let's breathe deeper together!

Why is this important?

I feel we need more attention going towards cleaning the oceans and protecting fish breeding. There are very few protected breeding sites for fish, with protecting mating cites we can prevent the worlds oceans from going dry! Apple had a fantastic year in '11, a good slogan could be "Jobs for Jobs," saving the ocean and feeding you brain food! (needed to use the products!)