To: David Owens, Sprint's VP of Production

WP7 On Sprint

With Microsoft pushing their WP7 OS out the wazoo, and Nokia's brilliant manufacturing on board, it isn't a surprise that the platform is gaining momentum. With three brand new devices appearing recently ( Lumia 900, HTC Titan II, Lumia 710) and their Marketplace surpassing 50,000 app submissions it's clear that people are interested in this young, yet capable, OS. Today Sprint's VP of product realization David Owens talked to PC Mag about the lack of WP7 devices appearing at CES this year. Owens explained his concerns with Windows Phone and why Sprint has only released one device (the HTC Arrive) running Microsoft's mobile OS thus far. "We have a Windows device in our lineup, but honestly, it hasn't done well enough for us to jump back into the fire," he told PC Mag, adding that the number one reason that the Arrive was returned to stores was the user experience. Sprint director of product development Lois Fagan chimed in by saying that the carrier wants to take part in selling the devices, but that Microsoft needs to help build excitement around the platform. Owens said that Sprint is considering giving Windows Phone another shot around the "August-September period." But why should we fans be forced to wait, at the very least, 8 more months for another device? Owens honestly cannot think that releasing one mid-range device, among a plethora of mid-range and flagship Android phones, is going to draw peoples attention towards to platform. As customers we are asking for a choice in what devices we buy and not be forced to choose from a single phone for this platform. Every other OS on Sprint has more than one device to choose from, even Brew MP. I ask that you sign this petition, even if you're not a fan of WP7, to support customer choice for this carrier. We die hard Sprint customers simply want more choice with all of these great WP7 device popping up.

Why is this important?

The Sprint Community forums is up-in-arms about Sprint's lack of WP7 devices currently available for the carrier. With no announcement of a new device at CES 2012 and the earliest possible arrival of one not until August-September (see quote below) we customers want support for this great emerging platform as it gains momentum and attention.
