To: Rep. David Scott (SD-21), Mark Willadsen (SD-11), Michael G Diedrich (SD-34), and Tim Reed (SD-7)

Wrong for South Dakota

Using firefighters, police officers, and teachers as scapegoats to make a political point isn't right for South Dakota. And HB1261 doesn't have anything to do with commerce or energy. It is just another political attack funded by out-of-state groups that puts our community at risk. We urge you to vote NO on HB1261. Our schools and our public safety are worth more than partisan politics.

Why is this important?


Victory! This morning (Wednesday), after over over 500 South Dakotans signed my petition opposing HB 1261—which would take away collective bargaining rights for hard-working public workers—the South Dakota House Commerce and Energy Committee vote 13-0 to table the bill.

The committee heard you loud and clear that using firefighters, police officers, and teachers as scapegoats to make a political point isn't right for South Dakota.

Now, I'm launching a new SignOn petition, thanking committee members who stood with working families. Will you add your name? Go here:

HB1261 is a new addition to the Commerce and Energy Committee's agenda, but it is the same old partisan politics. It is a bill pushed by out-of-state special interests, identical to those that have been bogging down state legislatures around the country. It attacks South Dakota's firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public workers that provide vital services to our communities.

This misguided bill is the same sort of divisive legislation that has been pushed in Wisconsin and Ohio by extremist politicians. It would take away collective bargaining rights for hard-working public workers, leading to higher class sizes and more dangerous working conditions for first responders, making our communities less safe.

