To: The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, and Governor Eric Holcomb

"Yes" to public schools; "No" to voucher expansion

I can't attend the March 19 rally, but I urge you to say "yes" to public schools and say "no" to voucher expansion. Please stop the bills which expand voucher eligibility -- not just because vouchers hurt public schools, but because vouchers actually cost taxpayers MORE not LESS. By measures more objective than the current A-F grading system, public schools are performing better than ever across Indiana; please support them by restoring full funding levels.

Why is this important?

Don't be misled by the education reform movement. Public schools in Indiana are not failing! They have been steadily improving over the last 20 years. The Indiana Coalition for Public Education supports focusing public tax dollars on the K-12 education of public school students and opposes legislation that funds private school vouchers. That's why we're organizing a Statehouse Rally March 19.