To: Susan Wojcicki, CEO, YouTube, Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google, Robert Kynci, CBO, YouTube, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, a...
Youtube Must allow Channels with CANNABIS Content to be available on YouTube
YouTube is a Fantastic platform allowing for a Large Reach. It's Fun and easy to learn about How cannabis works and why, Please allow the continued SHARING of the VITAL Healing aspects of ALL THINGS CANNABIS!
Why is this important?
We feel that our CIVIL RIGHTS are being trampled upon. Many like-minded and Well-meaning human beings Heal with, Use, Grow, Consume, Cook with, Share with, And Just plain Enjoy Cannabis. Cannabis is a simple plant, With a complicated governmental relationship. This simple plant has been mistreated by the USA for far too long. We know that there are NO DEATHS from CANNABIS, That's NONE! As in ZERO ZIP NADA ZILCH. Yet the USA continues to allow thousands of deaths by NOT Ending CANNABIS Prohibition! There is currently a Big pHARMa induced opioid crisis in the USA, and YouTube and Google allow ads for big pHARMa. They continue to allow alcohol content.
Many many MANY thousands of REAL LIVE HURTING HUMAN BEINGS turn to YouTube each day, They turn there looking for "That Plant" They are merely researching how to possibly save their lives, or the life of a loved one. Please RESTORE ALL the VAST CULTURAL CANNABIS HISTORY housed on all the Cannabis YouTube channels which you've silenced. We respectfully ask that you RESTORE all content from all Cannabis Channels and that you allow new channels to flourish as well. Please! We'd enjoy LEARNING how to grow cannabis, vape and smoke cannabis. Learn about the different types of strains and which one would be best for our diseases. Maybe we're learning, there is the possibility of HOPE for an EPILEPTIC CHILD, who otherwise would be forced to take large amounts of toxic big pHARMa drugs instead of a simple NON TOXIC Plant. Our Plant, For indeed it is OUR PLANT. If you chose not to learn about our investigate or HEAL with CANNABIS, that's your choice. WE are requesting THE RIGHT TO HAVE A CHOICE. Please ALLOW CANNABIS CONTENT to RETURN in all its fascinating and EDUCATIONAL GLORY to the YouTube Platform. ALLOW it so you ALLOW US to make INFORMED decisions. We LEARN by sharing. We learn by sharing video content on YOUR platform. PLEASE don't hold US hostage by not allowing Cannabis, We know its your choice as to what you allow on your platform. We fear your decision to cut US off is money based. Please. ALLOW it Anyway. YOUR Ability to HELP your entire planet HEAL is in YOUR hands. Will YOU DENY all Humans the simple ability to LEARN about CANNABIS on your platform? or will you ENCOURAGE GROWTH and HEALING for ALL your FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS? The choice is yours.
Respectfully, Lisa Wooldridge, Vice President, The Human Solution, INTL.
Many many MANY thousands of REAL LIVE HURTING HUMAN BEINGS turn to YouTube each day, They turn there looking for "That Plant" They are merely researching how to possibly save their lives, or the life of a loved one. Please RESTORE ALL the VAST CULTURAL CANNABIS HISTORY housed on all the Cannabis YouTube channels which you've silenced. We respectfully ask that you RESTORE all content from all Cannabis Channels and that you allow new channels to flourish as well. Please! We'd enjoy LEARNING how to grow cannabis, vape and smoke cannabis. Learn about the different types of strains and which one would be best for our diseases. Maybe we're learning, there is the possibility of HOPE for an EPILEPTIC CHILD, who otherwise would be forced to take large amounts of toxic big pHARMa drugs instead of a simple NON TOXIC Plant. Our Plant, For indeed it is OUR PLANT. If you chose not to learn about our investigate or HEAL with CANNABIS, that's your choice. WE are requesting THE RIGHT TO HAVE A CHOICE. Please ALLOW CANNABIS CONTENT to RETURN in all its fascinating and EDUCATIONAL GLORY to the YouTube Platform. ALLOW it so you ALLOW US to make INFORMED decisions. We LEARN by sharing. We learn by sharing video content on YOUR platform. PLEASE don't hold US hostage by not allowing Cannabis, We know its your choice as to what you allow on your platform. We fear your decision to cut US off is money based. Please. ALLOW it Anyway. YOUR Ability to HELP your entire planet HEAL is in YOUR hands. Will YOU DENY all Humans the simple ability to LEARN about CANNABIS on your platform? or will you ENCOURAGE GROWTH and HEALING for ALL your FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS? The choice is yours.
Respectfully, Lisa Wooldridge, Vice President, The Human Solution, INTL.