50 signatures reached
To: All Elected Officials
A voice that can't be ignored
We need elected leaders of this country, to do more than conduct interviews, and issue press releases, emails, tweets, etc. We need them in the streets to truly calm things down and establish a visual force and voice that can’t be ignored.
If the streets in front of the White House were filled with Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors and Esteemed Clergy of all faiths from all over the country, do you think there would be tear gas and troops on horses pushing them away? I think not.
If the streets in front of the White House were filled with Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors and Esteemed Clergy of all faiths from all over the country, do you think there would be tear gas and troops on horses pushing them away? I think not.
Why is this important?
People taking to the streets to peacefully display their anger and concerns seems to have only added fodder for the President’s plan to feed the fear and hate machine exacerbating the issue and moving us closer and closer to anarchy and his ultimate goal of Marshall Law and dictatorship.
For the sake of our future, I think that all elected representatives should be working to produce a collective show of leadership that this country has seldom seen and one that will defy detractors from diminishing its message.
For the sake of our future, I think that all elected representatives should be working to produce a collective show of leadership that this country has seldom seen and one that will defy detractors from diminishing its message.