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To: Rep Lori Trahan of MA, Sen Elizabeth Warren of MA, Former Rep Liz Cheney, Sen Ed Markey of MA

Add 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to National Registry of Sex Offenders

The president-elect has also been found guilty of sexual misconduct, and it is essential that when he is sworn into office in late January, we ensure that the National Registry of Sex Offenders [] has immediately been updated to properly include and address the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and that such fact be wildly and publically proclaimed. 

Many of us find it shameful to have such a person residing there, but we must tell the world that America recognizes and knows it. The American people will warn anyone who enters the building that he is such a person with such moral standing, and he is listed on this public register.   

Why is this important?

At that point, our President will be a person who, in different instances, has been accused, admitted, and even convicted of a sex offense.   His recorded words and actions show the world his moral position, particularly WRT, to younger women.  We can not change that fact.   America has a duty to the world to clarify that this is how, in the past, he has treated people, young women in particular, and that he could treat you if you interact with him — which is why he is included in this specific National Registry.


2025-01-25 12:35:53 -0500

100 signatures reached

2025-01-01 13:37:56 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-11-23 18:39:38 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-11-12 16:05:01 -0500

10 signatures reached

2024-11-12 13:10:03 -0500

I should add. He was convicted in a civil trial. So, the question raised should he be listed. This is why it needs to go to Congress. We need our congresspeople to ensure that he is added to the registry no matter what. The courts have already declared what he is.