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To: Congress and State government

All Law enforcement and government persons must be trained in Nonviolent Communication & Diversity

Enough already – it is long overdue! By the end of this year 2020, we must be training all of our government and law enforcement personnel, including the President of the United States, in diversity and nonviolent communication if we are ever to change the racist climate in the United States of America. We must open minds and hearts to the reality of the unconscious bias and the conscious discrimination that is pervasive. I believe this will get at the heart of the issue and facilitate a new climate and new laws to have the peaceful and equitable world we can have. It is my dream and intention to have peace in this world before I die. Please join me in imagining and creating this reality. Aloha and Mahalo.
Namaste, "Genesis" S. Young MD

Why is this important?

This is urgently needed now because without this, we cannot come together. We must work together and solve our existential problems. We need to come together and see the Oneness and work for the good of all and let go of some of those individualistic points of view. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. Join me and sign this petition. Come together for Peace On Earth.



2020-07-15 14:00:09 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2020-06-07 18:39:15 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-06-06 21:47:55 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-06-06 19:44:55 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-06-06 18:21:10 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-06-06 16:27:38 -0400

10 signatures reached