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To: Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales

Allow voting at 120 federal agencies in Indiana

People in Indiana, are very disturbed by Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales' decision to not allow voting services at Federal Agencies  in Indiana. He is stopping the voting services and activity in 120 federal agencies.  Our Indiana Secretary of State Morales has reported  that we don't need these locales to run safe, secure elections. He is wanting to limit the locations, reduce voting registration resources, limit access to absentee ballots, and not allow agency website links for Indiana citizens access to voting registration and services.  He is asking federal agencies to report any directives they received and actions they have taken. Sounds like voter suppression. We should all have access not only in places you designate but in every agency whether federal or state or city or small town to give greater access to all residents here. Heritage Foundation and the Heritage Action's Watchdog arm, The Oversight Project, appears to support Secretary of State Morales in suppressing the voter services in Indiana. We, as Indiana residents and concerned US Citizens, are very disappointed in you trying to say that you know what is best for Indiana residents. Well we are here to tell you that you do not speak for us. We vote and pay taxes here. We deserve a chance to be heard and seen. Your denial of voting locales is to suppress the voting opportunities in any locale, including federal agencies in our state. We should be encouraging everyone everywhere that it is our constitutional right to vote!  


Why is this important?

It takes a strong large community to request change. We believe people in Indiana are not aware of this voter suppression tactic which comes from fear. Why should we not be allowed to vote in every location, even federal buildings in Indiana? It can be done in a fair and legal manner which has been seen in so many states nationwide. Indiana has poor voter turnout and deserves to have better access and advantage as all states. 

How it will be delivered

Petition will be on facebook, instagram, X and email


2024-08-29 08:05:35 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-07-25 07:46:51 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-20 22:38:09 -0400

10 signatures reached