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To: Miguel Cordona (U.S. Secretary of Education)

Attendance 101 - The creation of a colllege class callled Attendance 101

In an effort to increase student participation in on campus events in a scholarly manner, to create an etiquette social atmosphere for students to interact with their peers and to fill seats at Collegiate Athletic matches and Arts & Lecture events, the formation of an attendance class, Attendance 101, is being proposed.

The class Attendance 101 would be a pre-requisite that would require a student to:

Attend a certain amount of collegiate athletic matches and a certain amount of collegiate Arts & Lectures events each semester. In a 16 week semester or an 8 week quarter system 1 match or 1 Arts & Lectures event every two weeks would suffice;

That is, Attend 4 Collegiate Athletic Matches and 4 Arts & Lectures events in a 16 week semester system Or 2 Collegiate Athletic matches and 2 Collegiate Arts & Lectures events in an 8 week semester system.

Answer a list of questions based on the match or event being attended as well as fulfill etiquette requirements such as dress, how to partake in traditional ceremonies, hymns, prayers and social greetings, etc. The questions are to be answered and turned in every two weeks to whichever instructor oversees the class. The questions and answers submitted will make up the test for the final. The questions will be made up by the department that oversees the class. The final grade will be based on the grades for each set of questions and the final.

Either a sign in sheet or submission of the questions and answers will act as proof of attendance.

Why is this important?

The formation of an attendance class would increase on campus event attendance and also act as a social setting for students to get use to attending games, matches, stage acts, art displays, lectures and on campus outings. Involvement in on campus activities is necessary to keep students busy and engaged in educational activities. An attendance class also gives students a chance to support their college peers as they represent the school and prepare themselves for the professional world. A lot of times people don't attend social gatherings because they never had to before and sometimes feel out of place, not knowing how to act accordingly. This prepares a college student for post college social settings and will hopefully influence an active social adult life. Take your son(s) and daughter(s) out to Professional Sporting events like, Pro-Ball, Ballets, Ice hockey, Opera, Stage Theatre, Lectures etc….