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To: Hope Ranch Residents

Ban the HRHOA Use of Round Up

Sign a petition to ban Roundup weed control use by Hope Ranch Homeowners Association. Glyphosate herbicides are now banned or restricted in 20 countries worldwide, with a growing swell of government level support for both health and environmental reasons. This petition demands that the HRHOA research and use natural and/or organic alternatives to weed abatement in the common areas to protect both our workers, as well as any residents coming in contact with the chemical.

Why is this important?

Glyphosate is a carcinogenic herbicide with multiple million dollar settlements awarded to patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. We are against ever having any Hope Ranch employee or subcontractor, paid with HRHOA dues, purchase or use the toxic product known as Round Up. The potential risk to our employees' health, litigation liability and the danger to residents health is at stake. Run off into the creeks and oceans is of concern when used on common areas, and therefore easily tracked into our homes and passed on to family, pets and wildlife. Please sign the petition to let the Hope Ranch Homeowners Board know where we stand. Thank you.

How it will be delivered

e mail



2020-02-03 00:48:49 -0500

100 signatures reached

2019-12-18 15:56:47 -0500

50 signatures reached

2019-12-17 22:50:06 -0500

25 signatures reached

2019-12-17 16:39:56 -0500

10 signatures reached