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To: People who use Twitter, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter

Boycott Twitter

Twitter must ban Trump from using their site. He is spreading violence and terror throughout our country. The only way to get the message that we the people can't stand it anymore is to turn off our Twitter accounts. Hopefully Jack Dorsey and those that control Twitter will then get the message: Ban Trump from Twitter. He can't control himself and it is not helping this country. Just do it.

Why is this important?

Trump is inciting violence and supporting white supremacy over Twitter as well as slandering anyone who disagrees with him. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone using Twitter especially the president of the United States. Currently, he is feeding the fires of civil unrest causing more danger and violence.



2022-04-26 08:16:40 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-06-02 22:09:25 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-06-01 22:34:43 -0400

10 signatures reached