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To: Students and parents of Goddard highschool.

Give us a choice! Stop separating us! Cap and gown colors for Goddard high.

Goddard high school requires girls to wear white gowns while the boys get to wear the classic blue. I, and many other girls I’ve talked to, find a big problem with this. Not only that but a few boys have said they would prefer the white as well. Sign this petition to give girls and boys the option to choose what they wear to graduation!!

Why is this important?

Not only do many men and women find it disrespectful and degrading to be separated because of their gender. This also destroys all the work women have put into being seen as an equal. This also causes concern for pictures and appearance. White gowns, or white clothes in general, are extremely hard to keep clean. Add the aspect of makeup to the problem and many girls are going to be struggling with their gowns. Not only this but it’s a common knows fact that girls get periods, imagine bleeding on your gown and not being able to get it out because it’s white. One of the last aspects I want to bring up is the fact that white clothes get flashback. Many pictures could be ruined just for the simple aspect that the gowns are white. This is a huge moment in many peoples lives, and to have it ruined or messed up for the simple fact that this school is separating girls and boys would be devastating. Please help me, and many others, by signing this petition to change it so that everyone can have the freedom to choose white or blue.


2024-10-14 13:11:03 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-10-10 18:41:28 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-10-10 16:30:21 -0400

People should get to choose what colors they wear, not be forced. This is a day people have been waiting for for years. If you’re going to have 2 colors then allow people to choose. If you aren’t willing to do that then just make it one color.

2024-10-10 15:27:32 -0400

10 signatures reached