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To: Marcia Fudge United States Secertary of Housing and Urban Development

Change is needed for Section 8 and Public Hud Housing

We the undersigned stand together to end the housing crisis for low income people. The problem is there is not enough housing avaliable to keep people from being homeless. The Section 8 program known as The housing Choice Voucher Program needs to be revised to keep up with the current market rent that were facing today all around the world. Alot of voucher holders are finding themselves facing eviction because the Section 8 voucher amounts are just not enough for landlords to want to consider accepting vouchers anymore. The waiting list of mostly all affordable housing is five to ten years which is a big problem and one of the main reasons why our country is facing a tremendous amount of homelessness along with not having enough affordable housing. Our country needs more money for housing all around the world to start building more housing sooner than later. We don't have another year or more to wait this is a priority and needs attention NOW!!

Why is this important?

Our nation faces this issue together We are One, and unless we all come together nothing will change as you can already see we have been facing this issue for years. I care, because like many of you I have friends & family who are facing the same issues. Im not just doing this for my people im doing it for the people.



2022-07-04 20:05:50 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-02-08 11:28:32 -0500

25 signatures reached

2022-01-30 22:58:44 -0500

10 signatures reached