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To: CNN, ABC News, PBS News, and other prominent news outlets

CNN, ABC News, and other news networks must ensure accountability in upcoming debates!

The last election’s presidential debate felt more like a reality show than a serious discussion for the public to make an informed decision about our presidential candidates. Interrupting the speaker, the lack of fact-checking, and allowing childish behavior cannot be the norm when so much is at stake. We're calling on CNN and ABC News, as well as other networks broadcasting the the debates, to ensure that the upcoming debates are conducted with the utmost integrity and fairness, including live fact-checking and fair debate moderation.

We demand that CNN, ABC News, and other networks implement live fact-checking to prevent misinformation and false statements from misleading the public. Live fact-checking during the debates will immediately address any false claims made by the candidates, ensuring that viewers receive accurate information in real time. Any news outlet covering the debates should make sure they are fact checking Trump and upholding journalistic ethics.

Additionally, CNN and ABC News should enforce strict time limits to guarantee that each candidate has a fair opportunity to speak. If a candidate goes over their allotted time, their microphone should be cut off. This will help maintain the structure of the debate and prevent any candidate from unfairly dominating the conversation.

These measures are essential for ensuring that the presidential debates provide clear, truthful, and balanced information to the public. The role of the media is crucial in upholding democratic processes, and this year they have the opportunity to set a standard for responsible journalism.

Why is this important?

The integrity of our democratic process depends on the quality and fairness of the information provided to the public. Debates are a critical platform for candidates to present their policies and for voters to make informed decisions. Without measures to prevent misinformation and ensure fairness, the value of these debates becomes nothing more than a joke.

We need a transparent and accountable political process. Our debates should reflect true democratic values, not devolve into chaos and misinformation. 


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