To: The United States Senate

Congress: Support Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!

Some employers are still firing pregnant employees for requesting simple accommodations, such as avoiding heavy lifting or being able to take extra water breaks. Support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to ensure that pregnant workers can get reasonable accommodations when they need them without risking their jobs.

Why is this important?

Nobody should have to choose between a job and healthy pregnancy, especially at the moment they need it most.

Recently introduced with BIPARTISAN support, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would make it unmistakable: Employers must provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers who need them. Despite the Pregnancy Discrimination Act's requirement that pregnant workers receive equal treatment, the fact is that some employers are still firing pregnant employees for requesting simple accommodations, such as avoiding heavy lifting or even being able to take extra water breaks.

Tell your members of Congress to support the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act now!