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To: California State University, San Bernardino

CSUSB Fall 2022 Commencement

The CSUSB graduating class of Fall 2022 feels ignored and dismissed and would like the chance to voice their questions and concerns in front of CSUSB representatives willing to hear us. More needs to be done by Cal State University, San Bernardino, regarding the cancelled of our graduation ceremony. At the very least, we should be offered something in exchange for the inconvenience.

Why is this important?

The graduating class of 2022 at California State University, San Bernardino deserves a commencement ceremony after all their hard work and dedication. We feel that CSUSB did not try hard enough to accommodate their winter graduates, nor did they consider the students’ input or offer alternatives such as: limiting the number of guests allowed to attend, splitting up graduation ceremonies between colleges, etc. Considering the fact that CSUSB has been increasing tuition costs every year and has the finances to fund the construction of a new building every year, we feel that more could be done.



2022-10-05 12:57:12 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2022-10-05 01:28:38 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-10-04 23:18:47 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-10-04 22:58:30 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-10-04 22:55:00 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-10-04 22:52:03 -0400

10 signatures reached