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To: Illinois elected officials, Governor J. B. Pritzker, Congress, President Joe Biden

Demand Justice for Sonya Massey!

“Don’t hurt me.” 

Those were the first words Sonya Massey said at her front door after calling the police for help. Instead of assisting her, Sonya Massey was tragically killed in her own home at the hands of a responding officer sworn to protect and serve. Sonya Massey deserved to be safe. 

What we've since discovered is that the officer who murdered Sonya Massey worked six law enforcement jobs over the past four years, pleaded guilty to two charges of driving under the influence, and was discharged from the Army for “serious misconduct.”

It's unjustifiable that someone with Sean Grayson's criminal and professional background would ever be in a law enforcement role. Our justice system refuses to respect Black lives, so now so we're must demanding more from our elected officials. We need a justice system that holds police accountable, and we need transparency into that system.

Please join us in demanding justice for Sonya Massey. 

Why is this important?

In early July, Sangamon County sheriff’s deputy Sean Grayson shot 36-year-old Sonya Massey after she attempted to move a pot of water off of her stove at the officer’s request. Sonya Massey called the police for help after she was concerned about an intruder in her home. We must all demand justice for Sonya. What happened to her was unacceptable, and we cannot let this type of police violence, which is all too often directed against the Black men and Black women of our country, continue unchecked.

We're demanding accountability for Sonya Massey and her family. And we're not alone. The Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office has reportedly fired Grayson, who was later charged with first-degree murder. And the U.S. Department of Justice will also be investigating the tragic death of Sonya Massey.

As long as police officers like Sean Grayson can continue to hop between law enforcement jobs, regardless of their criminal or professional records, our communities will have to suffer the type of police violence that cost Sonya Massey her life. We’ve had enough. 

Demand local and federal officials deliver justice for Sonya Massey now!


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