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To: Surfers, watermen, those who love history, and other interested people

Designation plaque for Velzy’s, the Worlds First Surf Shop

Dale Velzy opened the world’s first surf shop at
117 Manhattan Beach blvd, Manhattan Beach, California in 1950.
We support installing a bronze plaque to designate this historical spot.

Why is this important?

There are numerous bronze plaques around Manhattan Beach designating not only historical locations but also historical events.
Many feel a plaque at Velzy’s world first surf shop is important not only for the town’s history but also for surfing history.
We feel this oversight needs to be corrected.
We’d like to see this happen while some of our original greats are still with us.
Thank you for your support.




2023-11-12 15:09:38 -0500

It has been almost 12 weeks since we delivered the paid for plaque to the city of Manhattan Beach. Though they’ve indicated a couple of possible installation times it has not happened.
This photo was taken of the site yesterday, November 11th.
And sadly we lost 2 more staunch supporters.
What do you guys think? A letter writing campaign maybe?

2023-09-07 14:12:15 -0400

Links to our celebration last August 27th
Lots of surfing greats there!
Thank you ALL for participating!!
[email protected]

Velzy links


Open mike:

2023-08-13 13:09:56 -0400

The plaque is finished and we’re celebrating!
Hope you can be there!!!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Sunday, August 27th 2024
2:pm -6:00 pm
Hermosa Museum
Corner of pier avenue and PCH (off Ardmore Ave)

Open mike, reel of memories, refreshments. Lots of amazing guests
Where you watched surf movies in the ‘60s

2023-05-29 01:33:15 -0400

The latest
Article in INERTIA


2023-02-01 00:12:55 -0500

I’m very happy to report that we presented at the Manhattan Beach Cultural Arts Commission yesterday, January 30th and it passed unanimously.
As the Cultural Arts Commission is only advisory, now we must get final approval from the City Council. This should happen in the next few weeks.
I’m also in the process of collecting statements to add to our presentation from significant figures in Surfing history.
Thank you all for your endorsements! There’s still time to get as many signatures as possible do if you can share we’d be most appreciative.
Signing will add your name to the effort. We sent asking got money and we’ll never sell or give away your information
Thank you💕
Jacquelyne May
Bing Copeland
Matt Velzy
Tom Horton
John Leininger
Roy Bream
Fran Velzy Hoff

2022-11-14 19:44:23 -0500

We are presenting this to the Cultural Arts Commission for their approval.
Tom Horton of Boardriders has been instrumental in preparing the presentation!
Finally after over 10 years this is the first step in getting approval.
If you are local and can attend it would be very helpful!!
If not, you can attend virtually via zoom.
Here’s the info:

Meeting is at 4:00pm November 21, 2022
1500 Highland Ave, MB
City Council chambers

To have your comment included please email no later than 3:pm on the day of the meeting, Monday, November 21
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

To join the meeting via zoom go to (at time of meeting)

And click on link.

Thank you all for your support!
Let’s let Manhattan beach know we care about this important history!

2022-10-10 07:20:17 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-09-27 12:25:46 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-09-27 05:21:12 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-09-27 00:56:43 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-09-27 00:01:37 -0400

10 signatures reached