To: New York State Wage Board

Don’t let fast-food workers go hungry!

Raise the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $15 an hour. No one who works full-time should live in poverty, but over 180,000 New York fast-food workers struggle every month to afford rent and feed their families.

We need urgent action to fight income inequality and raising fast-food pay to $15 an hour now is an important start.

Why is this important?

With just DAYS LEFT, the restaurant lobby just launched a major push to KILL the $15 an hour movement.

$15 is winnable -- but only if we speak up before Monday, June 15. That’s the day the wage board formed to decide whether to raise fast-food pay in New York is holding a big hearing in New York City.

If New York raises fast-food pay to $15, it will boost paychecks for 180,000 New Yorkers -- most adults, many supporting families. They deserve to be able to pay their rent and feed their families. And this action would trigger a wave of raises for low-wage workers across the country.

If minimum wage had simply kept pace with worker productivity since 1968, it would be well over $15 today. Instead, CEOs have gotten richer and richer, while the working class struggles to get by.

Tell the wage board: It’s time for $15.