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To: President Joe Biden

Executive order to stop all overdraft fees from all banks who charge them

This is a call to action for an executive order from President Biden to immediately stop all banks from charging overdraft fees and protect the American people who bailed out some of these same banks a few years ago with their tax dollars. People are hurting financially and are on the verge of losing everything due to circumstances outside of their control. This order will protect some of the most vulnerable Americans.

Why is this important?

Banks in the US collected more than 30 billion dollars in overdraft fees in 2020 amid the public health crisis of Covid-19. For further reference, banks collected 19 billion in overdraft fees in 2019. Additionally, the average overdraft fee soared to $33.47.

This is a deeply unethical practice, especially during a time when so many Americans are hurting financially and on the verge of losing everything due to no fault of their own.

This is a call to action for an executive order from President Biden to stop this practice of charging for overdraft immediately, protecting the American people who bailed out some of these same banks a few years ago with their tax dollars.

Please sign and share widely.

Even if you haven’t been personally affected by this, someone you love definitely has.

It truly takes all of us.



2021-01-28 12:04:19 -0500

100 signatures reached

2021-01-28 11:24:57 -0500

50 signatures reached

2021-01-28 11:20:40 -0500

25 signatures reached

2021-01-28 11:17:43 -0500

10 signatures reached