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To: Chief Justice US Supreme Court John Roberts

Fair Impeachment Trial

Because the venue for the impeachment trial cannot be moved from the US Senate, and we the undersigned are very concerned that the members of the Senate will not take their oath of impartiality seriously thereby violating their Constitutional requirement to be impartial as a juror for impeachment, we ask that you, John Roberts, as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and the presiding judge of the impeachment proceedings trial in the US Senate as required by the US Constitution, hold any and all senators accountable and in contempt of court and the constitution up to and including charging them with treason if they attempt to violate their oath of impartiality or otherwise attempt to impede the impeachment proceedings.

Why is this important?

This action is important because in recent weeks, the majority party in the senate including its leadership, Senator McConnell, have stated and implied they do not intend to honor their required oath of impartiality. This trial is the only recourse that the citizens of the United States have in an effort to determine if a president of the United States has committed high crimes or misdemeanors worthy of removal from office. This is not a political sideshow; rather it is a basic expression of our democratic power and will as citizens of the United States. It must not become a mockery of justice or our Constitution.



2019-12-19 01:04:54 -0500

10 signatures reached