In our last petition we requested the removal of the charges “attempt to aid and escape”, having a cell phone, along with removal of 9 months of solitary confinement for creating a clothing line while incarcerated and going viral. He was released from solitary confinement 6 months early however, the charges remained and does affect his parole. This is why this is important. His tentative parole date is April 2024.
Contrary to him making the clothes 10 months prior to these false allegations, the social media post shows the true intent for which they were made. If attempting to aid in escape was the true intent, then posting the clothes prior to an escape attempt would contradict that. The only thing my son is guilty of is altering state property and being overly ambitious and zealous in his efforts to rehabilitate himself so that he may become an asset rather than a liability to himself his family, and his community.
To learn more about Rashod Stanley please visit his webpage at
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