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To: Wildlife lovers & animal rights allies

Free the Flamingo #freepeaches

Please reconsider the decision to put tracking devices on the flamingo now at Fort DeSoto Park. It is obviously causing the bird great distress as it vainly tries to bite the titanium tracker and antenna off which may be harming its beak. The only info they can get is it's whereabouts. Not worth the the stress and risk of injury to the bird. While it is still in the same spot, it wouldn't be too difficult to go out there with the tools to net it and remove the hardware on the spot and release it right there. Of course, it would be additional but I think minimal stress compared to the ongoing stress it's enduring now. Please reconsider your position and do the right thing.

Why is this important?

If you support animal rights, the well-being of animals and don't support experimental projects on animals, then please sign & share.



2023-09-20 20:02:45 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-09-19 13:57:59 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-09-18 19:13:04 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-09-18 09:04:32 -0400

10 signatures reached