To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Gov. Cuomo: Keep Your DREAM Act Promise!

Tell Gov. Cuomo: You campaigned on making the NY DREAM Act a reality. Don’t walk back on your promise -- include the DREAM Act in this year’s budget!

Why is this important?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo promised to make the DREAM Act a reality for undocumented students -- and now he’s all set to walk it back.

When Gov. Cuomo was running for reelection, he told DREAMers he’d put the legislation in his budget this year and finally help their college dreams come true.

As recently as last week, Governor Cuomo was still promoting the DREAM Act, first in a speech to local groups, and then in an op-ed in the New York Post.

But this week, Governor Cuomo announced he would be removing the DREAM Act from the budget because he and the Republican Senate Majority Leader could not come to an agreement.

Undocumented students have been waiting for three years for New York to pass the DREAM Act. Is Gov. Cuomo really going to break his campaign promise now?

The DREAM Act is good for the State of New York. It would allow more young immigrants to access a quality college education, resulting in better jobs for themselves and their families. A handful of obstructionists in the State Senate shouldn’t stop those dreams from coming true.

Tell Gov. Cuomo it’s time to make good on his promise, stop Republican obstruction, and lead.