500 signatures reached
To: Ohio House Legislators -House Government Oversight

Why is this important?
HB-294 is a regressive bill looking for a problem. Nothing within this proposed measure would do anything to prevent voter fraud but they will absolutely inconvenience Ohio voters and create confusion, create longer lines to vote, reduce voter participation and further increase voter apathy.
HB-294 will do the following (summarized):
• Limits duration of drop box availability
• Cuts the number of early voting days
• Cuts off vote-by-mail ballot requests a week earlier,
• Creates a new three-tier ID rule
1. Limits counties to one ballot drop box location the last 10 days before an election—regardless of how large or populated a county is. Voters in Ohio’s highest population counties sat in traffic jams at drop boxes last year but counties will be prohibited from making drop boxes more accessible.
2. Eliminates one of the busiest final three days of early voting - Monday. In 2020, some 31,413 Ohio voters voted the day before Election Day.
3. Cuts off mail ballot requests at 10 days before the election, which would make Ohio more restrictive than 40+ other states. In 2020, some 451,863 Ohio voters requested a ballot the final week. In that time, 413,093 voters requested and returned their ballots.
4. Voters would be subject to a new three-tier ID rule with photo ID as the preference. 58.6% of voters, more than 3.5 million, voted by mail in 2020.
5. If a vote-by-mail ballot is not sealed in the voter ID envelope -- but inside the return envelope —it will be thrown out.
6. Makes ban on public offices paying return postage even stricter than current law. Paying voters’ return postage would remove a barrier to voting by mail.
Call your legislator and the sponsors / co-sponsors of HB294
Email your legislator and the sponsors of HB 294
Write a letter to the editor
Sign and Share our online petition
#OhioAntiVoterBill #OurRightToVote #FreedomToVote
Sample script:
Hi! My name is _____________ I’m calling to voice my opposition to HB 294.
House Bill 294 is a divisive and dangerous anti-voter bill that contains many of the same attacks on our fundamental freedom to vote that we have seen passed in Georgia and other states. We all want safe and accessible elections, but Ohio Legislators are pushing new anti-voter legislation that will take us in the wrong direction. Any bill that rolls back our access to the ballot box or our right to vote is unacceptable. Ohio already has enough anti-voter laws. We don’t need any more.
Elections in Ohio are Safe and Fair. In an article written Jan. 23rd, 2021 by Emily Morgan of The Daily Record, The current Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, stated "for election fraud to occur on a wide a scale, dozens of Republicans and dozens of Democrats who all work for the elections board would have to collaborate on committing a felony and keep it completely quiet.” He also went on to say that "I think we ran the most successful election we’ve ever had.”
Any bill that rolls back our right to vote is a non-starter. Period. Please sign this petition and share with other Ohioans to let them know that conservative legislator our enforcing big government to attack their fundamental freedom to vote.
Below are the emails and phone numbers of Ohio House Legislators:
Sponsors of HB 294
Rep. Bill Seitz (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8258
Rep. Sharon Ray (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8140
Rep. Cindy Abrams (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-9091
Rep. Brian Baldridge (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2124
Rep. Adam C. Bird (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6034
Rep. Rick Carfagna (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1431
Rep. Sara P. Carruthers (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6721
Rep. Gary Click (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1374
Rep. Jon Cross (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3819
Rep. Al Cutrona (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-6107
Rep. Mark Fraizer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1482
Rep. Haraz N. Ghanbari (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8104
Rep. Timothy E. Ginter (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8022
Rep. Thomas Hall (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5094
Rep. Brett Hudson Hillyer (R) email: [email protected] Ph#614-466-8035
Rep. Adam Holmes (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6014
Rep. Don Jones (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8728
Rep. Darrell Kick (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2994
Rep. Jeff LaRe (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8100
Rep. Brian E. Lampton (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6020
Rep. P. Scott Lipps (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6023
Rep. Mike Loychik (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3488
Rep. Riordan T. McClain (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6265
Rep. Phil Plummer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8051
Rep. Tracy M. Richardson (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8147
Rep. Craig S. Riedel (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5091
Rep. Bill Roemer (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5085
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8134
Rep. Shane Wilkin (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3506
HB-294 will do the following (summarized):
• Limits duration of drop box availability
• Cuts the number of early voting days
• Cuts off vote-by-mail ballot requests a week earlier,
• Creates a new three-tier ID rule
1. Limits counties to one ballot drop box location the last 10 days before an election—regardless of how large or populated a county is. Voters in Ohio’s highest population counties sat in traffic jams at drop boxes last year but counties will be prohibited from making drop boxes more accessible.
2. Eliminates one of the busiest final three days of early voting - Monday. In 2020, some 31,413 Ohio voters voted the day before Election Day.
3. Cuts off mail ballot requests at 10 days before the election, which would make Ohio more restrictive than 40+ other states. In 2020, some 451,863 Ohio voters requested a ballot the final week. In that time, 413,093 voters requested and returned their ballots.
4. Voters would be subject to a new three-tier ID rule with photo ID as the preference. 58.6% of voters, more than 3.5 million, voted by mail in 2020.
5. If a vote-by-mail ballot is not sealed in the voter ID envelope -- but inside the return envelope —it will be thrown out.
6. Makes ban on public offices paying return postage even stricter than current law. Paying voters’ return postage would remove a barrier to voting by mail.
Call your legislator and the sponsors / co-sponsors of HB294
Email your legislator and the sponsors of HB 294
Write a letter to the editor
Sign and Share our online petition
#OhioAntiVoterBill #OurRightToVote #FreedomToVote
Sample script:
Hi! My name is _____________ I’m calling to voice my opposition to HB 294.
House Bill 294 is a divisive and dangerous anti-voter bill that contains many of the same attacks on our fundamental freedom to vote that we have seen passed in Georgia and other states. We all want safe and accessible elections, but Ohio Legislators are pushing new anti-voter legislation that will take us in the wrong direction. Any bill that rolls back our access to the ballot box or our right to vote is unacceptable. Ohio already has enough anti-voter laws. We don’t need any more.
Elections in Ohio are Safe and Fair. In an article written Jan. 23rd, 2021 by Emily Morgan of The Daily Record, The current Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, stated "for election fraud to occur on a wide a scale, dozens of Republicans and dozens of Democrats who all work for the elections board would have to collaborate on committing a felony and keep it completely quiet.” He also went on to say that "I think we ran the most successful election we’ve ever had.”
Any bill that rolls back our right to vote is a non-starter. Period. Please sign this petition and share with other Ohioans to let them know that conservative legislator our enforcing big government to attack their fundamental freedom to vote.
Below are the emails and phone numbers of Ohio House Legislators:
Sponsors of HB 294
Rep. Bill Seitz (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8258
Rep. Sharon Ray (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8140
Rep. Cindy Abrams (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-9091
Rep. Brian Baldridge (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2124
Rep. Adam C. Bird (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6034
Rep. Rick Carfagna (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1431
Rep. Sara P. Carruthers (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6721
Rep. Gary Click (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1374
Rep. Jon Cross (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3819
Rep. Al Cutrona (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-6107
Rep. Mark Fraizer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-1482
Rep. Haraz N. Ghanbari (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8104
Rep. Timothy E. Ginter (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8022
Rep. Thomas Hall (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5094
Rep. Brett Hudson Hillyer (R) email: [email protected] Ph#614-466-8035
Rep. Adam Holmes (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6014
Rep. Don Jones (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8728
Rep. Darrell Kick (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-2994
Rep. Jeff LaRe (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8100
Rep. Brian E. Lampton (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6020
Rep. P. Scott Lipps (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6023
Rep. Mike Loychik (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3488
Rep. Riordan T. McClain (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-6265
Rep. Phil Plummer (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-644-8051
Rep. Tracy M. Richardson (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8147
Rep. Craig S. Riedel (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5091
Rep. Bill Roemer (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-644-5085
Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) [email protected] Ph# 614-466-8134
Rep. Shane Wilkin (R) email: [email protected] Ph# 614-466-3506
How it will be delivered
Deliver in person and Press Conference