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To: Senior Management at Lagoon

Honoring J. Clark Robinson at Lagoon

To Senior Management of Lagoon. We the undersigned, from all over the world, who consider ourselves friends and family of our beloved friend, J. Clark Robinson, former President, CEO, and Chairman of IAAPA, and General Manager of Lagoon. Given the recent loss of our dear friend, we ask Lagoon to honor our mutual friend and extension of our family, in some meaningful way the park sees fit.

Suggestions include naming a feature or attraction of the park after him, a plaque, or statue, or any combination of the above.

As he began his long successful career at Lagoon at the age of 8, we believe he is an important part of the Lagoon family, as he is also considered to be part of ours.

Why is this important?

To give back to those who have selflessly given us their all.



2023-09-11 20:52:11 -0400


Dear Mr. Stelling:

Thank you for contacting us to suggest we commemorate Clark Robinson, as he spent nearly 50 years working at the Park. We appreciate your sentiment.

2023-09-11 20:51:11 -0400

The “Founding Fathers” (so to speak) of Lagoon have since passed as well. Loved and treasured by the Freed Family, their contributions, with the exception of Robert E. Freed, have been kept private, as was their wish. Time marches on with loyal longtime employees having departed this life. Lagoon, a family-owned amusement park, cherishes their legacy. However, memorializing each person with a physical or celebratory dedication is not possible or within our realm of expertise. Those of us who remember these pioneers will hold their memory close to the heart.

Having recently lost my father, Peter, and brother, David, the void left behind is vast and immensely painful. Acknowledgment may be best left to the families of the lost loved ones.

While we respect those who signed the petition, we graciously decline.


Kristen Freed, President
Lagoon Corporation

2023-08-05 01:02:18 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-08-02 21:56:29 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-08-02 21:40:34 -0400

2023-08-02 20:55:24 -0400

10 signatures reached