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To: U. S. Congressman Joe Morelle, NY State Senator Jeremy Cooney, NY. State Assemblyman Harry Bronson, N.Y. State Assemblyman Demond Meeks, Monroe County Executive Adam Bello, Rochester Mayor Malik Evans

Honoring the Legacy of Minister Franklin Florence, Sr.

 In honor of Minister Franklin Florence Sr., on February 10, 2023,  (the day before his funeral), each of the governmental officials listed above, attended a community service at Central Church of Christ, where the Minister had served as Pastor for over 50 years. During the service, government officials acknowledged Minister Florence's profound contributions to the Rochester community and beyond, and vowed to support preservation of his legacy: .

With regard to preserving the Late Minister's legacy, members of the Florence family have been in discussions with government officials (actually since before the Minister passed away) regarding the following: 

  • all of Plymouth Avenue to Franklin Florence Boulevard.
  • Spring Street to Mary Florence Way.
  • Cumberland Street Post Office to Franklin Florence Post Office.
  • Completing a Franklin Florence Memorial Park, near Upper Falls Boulevard (for which massive resources have already been allocated).
We, the undersigned, are unequivocally convinced that, in addition to serving as an outstandingly great spiritual leader, Minister Franklin Florence, Sr. did more during his lifetime to help secure civil and human rights for local, black citizens, and build a black middle class in Rochester, New York than any other individual during the 20th Century. As tax-paying citizens of the City of Rochester, County of Monroe, State of NY, and United States of America, we are absolutely committed to helping keep the Minister's amazing legacy alive (forever), especially for our youth, by supporting realization of each condition outlined above. Therefore, we urge government officials to act with all deliberate speed, relative to completing each of the projects outlined above, as quickly as humanly possible. 

Why is this important?

The family has waited long enough.



2024-12-27 11:19:14 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-12-09 16:12:08 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-12-09 03:05:37 -0500

10 signatures reached